
Graduating students

Graduating students

Centre for Higher Education Research and Scholarship


Diploma of the Imperial College

Master of Education

Anjali Amin

Sungano Chigogora

Chris Cooling

Natasha Croome

Camille Gajria

Luisa Garcia-Haro

Josh Hodge

Balazs Alexis Ihracska

Rebecca Siân Jones

Charlotte Hastings Kestner

Fouzia Khan

Phillip Lawton

Catherine Mansfield

Manuela Mura

Ian Radcliffe

Jamil Rahman

Maria Ribera Vicent

Mahsa Samadi

Moira Sarsfield

Linda Stringer

Henock B Taddese

Andreia Vargas-Seymour

Lucy Williams

Ali Yetisen

Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication


Diploma of the Imperial College

Master of Science

Keerthi Raj Bhavani Shankar

Coral Billingham

Harriet Brooks

Valeria Bujari

Lucy Davies

Charlie Delilkan

Jaclyn Estrin

Anni Fan

Jaime Gabriel Gozon Gana

Vanessa Hayes

Aleksandra Higson

Julie Hoeflinger

Mikayla Hu

T'arah Inam-McDermott

Isabella Johnson-Martin

Bria Jukes

Lavinia Kadar

Rebekah Lindo

Angie Lo

Qihui Lyu

Laia Mallafre

Chloe Marschner

Rebecca Elen McFarland

Eleanor Miodownik

Imaan Moin

Ranmini Mudannayake

Annalise Murray

Naomi Murray

Charlie William Nicholas

Mayah Pico

Katie Porter

Florence Pulfer

Molly Rains

Amy Ringrose

Leila Royle-Davies

Annabelle Schaefer

Gabriella Sotelo

Bella Spencer

Emma Tegg

Florence Thompson

Katie Tomsett

Mengmeng Tu

Lucy Wall

Holly Worrall

Qinlin Wu

Doctor of Philosophy

Ghadah Kadi